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Helping You to Fix Henry

Help for Henry

Your Henry is a treasured part of your family. He may get stuck behind the door frame, and he may randomly roll around behind you, but his smile makes it all ok.

But what happens if Henry stops working?

It's our mission to stop perfectly serviceable vacuum cleaners being sent to landfill. We post regular blogs to help you with any issue that you may have. Anything from loss of suction, to a totally dead Henry. All issues can be repaired with very little trouble. We are here to guide you, just contact us anytime if you need any advice at all with any issues that you have. We don't just sell Henry Bags. We have created a one stop shop for anything Henry related.

Love Henry? Follow us on social media to put a smile on your face @HenryHooverBags

Welcome to the family!


Henry Hoover Bags and Parts for the Whole Numatic Family

Whether you are buying Henry Hoover bags, replacing his lost tools, or performing a life saving operation on his motor. Everything that your Henry needs is right here.

The Henry Hoover bags and parts on our site also fit Hetty, James, Harry and any other members of your Numatic family.

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